Dr. Ban Health Podcast

Episode #26: How Much Do I have to Exercise to Lose Weight? You need to Train like a World Champion Ashley "Whiplash" Thiner!!!

Dr. Ban


1. Unrealistic expectation: people think by exercising, they will lose weight. Yet, most people will not lose weight especially fat with their exercise regiment. 

2. You will lose weight specifically fat if you train like an elite athlete. I give you an example of Ashley "Whiplash" Thiner. Whiplash is the reigning World's Gold Medalist in Muay Thai for the United States, and a professional Mixed Martial Art (MMA) fighter. I described her workout routines daily and when she is in a fight camp. 

3. How much you would have to exercise to lose 1 pound of fat as an elite athlete versus an overweight/obese aging individual? The science behind why people are not successful in losing weight when they exercise. Does the type of exercise make a difference? 

4. Recommendations: 1. resistance training with lighter weights and more repetitions, 2. incorporate Essential Amino Acids with my training, 3. reduce stress. Insulin resistance is the hallmark to stress response. 

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